Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Factors To Know Before Replacing A Ford PCM

A Ford PCM replace involves a lot of money and therefore you must first make sure it is worth to make such an investment. To start with you must know the reasons of the Powertrain Control Module not working properly any longer. This will not only save you from the struggles of replacement but will also prevent any further damage to the module. When the solenoid or the actuator circuit is damaged it will send excessive voltage to the module which is the primary reason for damage to the substitute module. Apart from that, natural causes such as vibration and thermal stress can also cause major destruction.

Correct Identification Is Crucial

Correct identification of the issues with the Ford PCM and the source of it is crucial for its proper repairs or valid replacement. Water, for example, can cause irreparable damage and corrode the electric parts and ruin the connections inside the device. Moreover, there is a large variety of PCMs available and therefore it is all the more necessary to choose the right module for your vehicle. Incorrect replacement will not only perform in an inferior manner but will also cause considerable damage to the engine of the vehicle. Make sure that you know and compare the OEM part number, PCM number according to the make, model and year of your vehicle.

Calibration Chip And PROM

You must also know the PROM and calibration chip of the Ford ECM contains all programming instructions that are required for the vehicle application.These will not be present in the replacement PCM. While looking for the PROM and calibration chip look at the different possibilities to identify the right PCM to replace in your vehicle. Mostly the newer vehicles will have flash memory or Electronically Erasable Program Read Only Memory commonly known as EEPROM. If the replacement PROM is not programmed properly before application make sure that it is reprogrammed after installation.

Care During Reprogramming 

Reprogramming is not available in the aftermarket. Therefore, if you buy an aftermarket model be sure that you have bought the right Ford ECM for your vehicle. Otherwise, your investment will be futile if it does not support your vehicle systems. Moreover, reprogramming must be done by trained professionals as that will prevent any messing up with the calibration of the onboard computers. This will alter both vehicle performance as well as emissions. Resetting must be done with the help of factory DRB scan tool. The dealer codes must be set according to the pinion factor so that it effectively controls the speedometer operation.

Negligence Can Be Costly

ECMs of a vehicle play a significant role in the engine performance and therefore any issue must not be ignored. Even if it is minor make sure you get the vehicle inspected by a professionally trained technician so that there is no major problem to cause issues with overall functionality of the vehicle. These are sophisticated and complicated devices and only a professional technician can say whether it is time for an ECM replacement. For more information visit Our Website

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Know The Working Principle of A GMC ECU

Have you even wondered how your car engine starts and works? Well, it is all due to the engine computer or the Engine Control Unit. Most modern cars come with such a computer that ensure smooth functioning of the engine and maintain a steady fuel supply and power so that it accelerates and decelerates as and when required, in the desired manner. However, just like any other computer you will need to update software and its other components of the operating system as and when you receive reminders from it. That is why you must scan your GMC ECU from time to time to detect any potential issues and get it repaired in its initial stage.

Maintain Optimum Capacity

When the GMC ECU works to its fullest potential the engine will run to its optimal capacity. When you notice any reduction in the mileage or in the level of performance it is time for an ECU upgrade. The solo PCMS is the portal for all control units of the engine. This is an important part and plays a very significant role in the performance of the engine of any modern vehicle. Saying that ECU is the ‘everything’ of a car will not be an exaggeration even to an iota.The ECU of your modern car is responsible to control several functions of the car.

Responsibility of The ECU

The GMC ECU controls functions such as the amount of fuel pumped in your car engine at any given point of time. It also regulates the function of the torque and horsepower ensuring proper and smooth distribution. In addition to that it can alternate vehicle modes such as valet mode, low emissions mode, anti-theft mode and others. Apart from that the ECU controls the valve timing and the amount of carbon dioxide emission from your vehicle. In short it can be said that anything in your car that needs to be regulated and controlled, chances are that all of it is done by your car’s Engine Control Unit.

Need For An Upgrade

You may wonder why you need to upgrade the GMC ECU from time to time. Well, the ECUs work continuously like all computers and therefore needs constant improvement. The new models of cars are faster, better and more efficient all because of an upgraded ECU. It maximizes the performance of the vehicle and at the same time reduces the amount of fuel used. To keep up with the changes upgrading of the ECU is required and for that you do not need to replace the ECU itself even. A relatively small upgrade in your ECU can result in significant benefits such as improved performance, higher mileage and just about everything of your car.

How To Upgrade

ECM upgrades are done usually by the manufacturers of auto computers. Apart from the upgrades, the high tech support team will provide you with instructions regarding the installation of a new unit and a list of FAQs. Though most installation has simple and easy plug-and-play setups but a few may need additional service. Therefore, rely on a professional only. To read more Click Here

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Jeep PCM - Auto Pcms (800) 886-9926

14361 SW 120th Street Unit 105
Miami, Florida 33186
(800) 886-9926

Ford ECM - Auto Pcms (800) 886-9926

14361 SW 120th Street Unit 105
Miami, Florida 33186
(800) 886-9926

Ford PCM - Auto Pcms (800) 886-9926

14361 SW 120th Street Unit 105
Miami, Florida 33186
(800) 886-9926

Car Computer Repair - Auto Pcms (800) 886-9926

14361 SW 120th Street Unit 105
Miami, Florida 33186
(800) 886-9926

ECM Repair - Auto Pcms (800) 886-9926

14361 SW 120th Street Unit 105
Miami, Florida 33186
(800) 886-9926